You should now see the Europe, Japan, and USA BIOS files appear in the white box. Click the Refresh list button (circled below). Return to the “ First Time Configuration” window.Don't place the bios files in a sub folder within the BIOS folder! It's very important that you match the above screenshot on your end. Download the BIOS if you haven't already, unzip it, and drag its contents to the BIOS folder. You don't need to do anything here, so click Next. Then proceed to step #4 in these directions to add the BIOS files. Did you accidentally close this 'first time configuration' wizard? You can access the BIOS screen by going to Config > Plugin/BIOS Selector - you'll arrive here.PCSX2 welcomes you with the First Time Configuration screen.

If you opted for the portable version, double-click on PCSX2's EXE. If you used the install wizard, you can double-click its icon on your desktop or find PCSX2 in the Windows Start menu. Keeping it on your computer is better than external storage because it runs better & faster. These are common locations with full read/write access. But, you could also place emulators in “ Downloads”, a folder on your desktop, an external HDD, or a thumb drive. In the video, I'm recommending “ Documents” to house your emulators. If you want to 'uninstall' a portable emulator, simply delete it! It's pretty straight-forward - all that you're doing is extracting a zip file while doing a little bit of folder management. To make things clearer, check out the video below that shows how to 'install' a portable emulator (it shows Snes9x, but PCSX2 is the same process). Installation is simple: just extract PCSX2 from its zip file. On the Choose Install Location screen, just click Install.You should keep it in the Start menu, but having it on your desktop or not is your preference. On the Choose components screen, you can choose to opt out of a PCSX2 shortcut on your desktop and in the Start menu.Windows always prompts you with this when you install a new program.